1. College of Pharmacy and the Butler Promise
The most competitive school at Butler is their School of Pharmacy. When completed, this six year program allows a student to earn both a Bachelor's of Arts Degree and Doctorate of Pharmacy. During the first two years, students enroll in a pre-pharmacy curriculum. Students meeting a specific criteria will be directly entered into the four year doctoral curriculum. This guaranteed admission is known as the Butler Promise. Students are still required to take the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT). The School of Pharmacy is ranked first for private colleges with a average passing rate of 99.26% on the North American Pharmacy Licensing Exam (NAPLEX). Butler ranks seventh overall in the nation and the program has achieved a perfect passing rate six times.
2. Physician Assistant Program

to the College of Pharmacy requirements, a P.A. student must first complete a
two year pre-professional curriculum. If they satisfy the requirements, they continue
with another three years of P.A. coursework. These students graduate with a dual
bachelor and masters degree in Physician Assistant Studies. Qualified students
can earn a auto-advance in their pre-P.A. courses. These students automatically
advance to the professional studies phase of the program a semester early if certain
requirements are satisfied.
As with
the School of Pharmacy, the Indianapolis metropolitan area and abundance of
healthcare institutions allow for many opportunities and a variety of
3. Jordan College of the ArtsButler University's challenging curriculum blends their pre-professional programs with liberal arts coursework. The Jordan College of the Arts is a nationally recognized liberal arts curriculum taught in a conservatory-style program. This specialized area of study means that that half to three fourths of the credits students earn are in their specific arts major. The is difference from a liberal arts education where a student earns fine art credits while taking a courses in other concentrations.
Butler collaborates with Indianapolis area programs and companies to promote their students and expose them to professional programs. One way the JCA acts upon this is with the Metro Indy Event Credit program. In this program, students are required to attend local shows in their arts discipline. This experience helps to broaden a student's educational experience while showcasing the talent in the Indianapolis Metro Area.
apply to the JCA, a student must apply via the Common Application by November
1st. In addition to their Butler application, each student is required to
audition or interview in order to be considered for admission. Each program
inside the Jordan College of Fine Arts has different requirements.
4. The ‘Flutie Effect’

The Flutie Effect is named after Doug
Flutie, who in 1984 threw a Hail Mary touchdown pass that allowed Boston
College to defeat defending national champion University of Miami. This brought
national recognition to the Boston school and gave rise to a large increase of
admission applications the following year. The same has occurred in
Indianapolis as, according to ESPN,
Butler has seen a 41% rise in out of state applications. Their 2012 freshmen
class is their largest in school history with 1111 students.
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